First of all, if you’re a caregiver, thank you for your important work. Thank you for filling that role. Thank you for providing care for a friend or relative.
Caregivers are often referred to as the backbone of the healthcare system, and for good reason. Every day, they are filling in the gaps between what happens at home and what happens under the care of a physician or nurse at a hospital or healthcare facility.
Sometimes, they’re even providing care at the hospital or healthcare facility, faithfully staying by a loved one’s side through tests, scans, surgeries, and surveillance. Listening to doctor’s reports and relaying them to family. Taking note of what needs to be done at home before discharge. Telling jokes or playing music to ease discomfort or alleviate anxiety.
They’re caring around the clock, all year long, doing everything from scheduling doctor’s appointments to picking up prescriptions, to feeding, showering, meal prepping, wheelchair transporting, dressing, stretching, caring, and comforting.
And the list goes on!
There are so many things a caregiver can do, and so many different types of caregiving. Some caregivers are helping an aging parent who cannot safely live alone anymore. Some are caring for a special needs sibling. Some are caring for a spouse who was just diagnosed with cancer, or for a partner who’s been living with MS for decades. Some may be caring for a child with complex medical needs.
Whether you’re the primary caregiver for one person, or you’re caring for multiple individuals, or you’re supporting a primary caregiver, you have a vital role. But you can’t do it alone.
Caregiving, like parenting, takes a village. Especially if you’re in a caregiving situation that is long-term.
Not every person that needs care will need it for life, or even for an extended period of time. But for those who do, home care provides the support — the village — that a primary caregiver needs in order to be successful.
Here are 5 reasons why you should consider home care — whether it’s for a few days, weeks, months, or years.
#1: To maintain your own health as a caregiver
If you want to be the primary caregiver for a long period of time, you can’t do it without adequate rest and respite.
#2: To take a break
Go on vacation with your family! Take a weekend trip with your friends or to visit the grandkids! Get that surgery you’ve been putting off for too long! Whatever the reason may be, it’s OK — and sometimes necessary — to take a break from caregiving.
#3: To transition to long-term care
Perhaps you’re anticipating a move to a nursing home or assisted living in the near future. Bringing in home care before that move may help you “loosen the reins” of caregiving as you prepare for the transition. It will also give you the extra time you’ll need to pack, downsize, and do all the work of preparing for that big move.
#4: To have more support
You’re probably doing more than just caregiving. You may also be juggling kids, a career, a marriage, or other relationships and responsibilities. You may also have a house and a car that requires attention and maintenance too. There’s no reason that you have to do absolutely everything.
#5: To train a backup caregiver
You never know what the future may hold. If for some reason you’re unable to continue in your role as primary caregiver, it helps to have an established relationship/rapport with a home care provider who can step into the role.
We’d love to be part of your village. Take the next step and contact us for a free in-depth evaluation of your caregiving situation.